Thursday, February 5, 2009

Shittyx, part deux.

Just to show anyone bothering to read this how monumentally frustrated I am of Streamyx, I've came back to rant.

Streamyx is literally the most hopeless, most unreliable piece of technology I've ever had the misfortune to pay for. The iPod comes close in reliability - that thing broke after just three years - but at least it was fun while it lasted. All Streamyx does, on the other hand, is give constant headache.

What's so hard about giving us perfectly decent broadband service? It's not like we're asking for supersonic download speeds - just make it simple, reliable and adequately quick. And yet somehow, the thick people at Menara TM (they couldn't even design the building by themselves and ended up with a Burj Al Arab rip-off) could screw it up.

We should all sue them for fraud. After all, Streamyx isn't cheap.

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